Friends of Frick Fine Arts

Why donate to Frick Fine Arts?

For decades, the generosity of the Friends of the Frick Fine Arts has allowed our graduate and undergraduate students to travel across the region, the nation, and the globe each year to see works of art and architectural sites first-hand, meet with artists and scholars, attend conferences, and explore archives and collections as necessary for their research and development as accomplished professionals in the field. Friends support is vital for the kind of specialized training and opportunities we extend to all of our students. Our contact information can be found at the bottom of each page on our website--please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like to know more about our department and the many opportunities it has to offer.  

Making a gift to Frick Fine Arts is quick and easy

Checks can be made to the "University of Pittsburgh" and mailed to University of Pittsburgh, P.O. Box 640093, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-0093. If you would like more information on the Friends of Frick Fine Arts, and to be included on our mailing list, please contact the department at

Donate online

Donations to Friends of Frick Fine Arts may be made online via the Pitt Giving website. To do so, enter the amount of your total gift in "Gift Amount." Then, under Designations, enter the amount you are donating highlighted funds within the Friends of Frick Fine Arts Fund, or designate another fund by using the box labeled "Other" and then indicate the fund or project in the box below. Within the online form, you may also indicate whether the gift is in honor or memory of someone special.

Making a gift to the University Art Gallery

You can help the University Art Gallery preserve its artistic and historic heritage by donating online via the Pitt Giving website. To do so, enter the amount of your total gift in "Gift Amount" and, under Designations, enter the amount you are donating to the University Art Gallery in the correct box. Within the online form, you may also indicate whether the gift is in honor or memory of someone special. Your donation will be used for restoration and preventive conservation of artworks and for related educational projects overseen by the UAG. Read more about the cleaning and conservation project in the UAG.