Thursday, February 25, 2021 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
An Inclusive Practice for Cultural Heritage is the first event in the conversation series, Turning Points: Museum Practice Now. Pairing recognized leaders in museum practice, one from outside the Pittsburgh region and one from within, the series aims to catalyze important questions about diversity and equity in museums.
Featuring Sanchita Balachandran, Conservator and Associate Director, the Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum, and Founder/Director, Untold Stories in conversation with Dominique Luster, Charles “Teenie” Harris Archivist of the Carnegie Museum of Art, this conversation will touch on challenges of collecting and preserving records and stories of the past while championing inclusive practices.
Turning Points is made possible by generous support from the Fine Foundation, to mark the launch of the Museum Studies Major at Pitt.
Sign up for this event through Eventbrite, and read more about the series in HAA News.