To study art and architectural history is to explore why and how humans have made images, objects, sites and environments throughout time and in our own present. We engage in a conversation with the stuff that humans have expended time to craft and conceptualize. By investigating the creation, purposes, and meanings of these cultural products, we better understand ourselves and each other. The department offers a major in the History of Art and Architecture (B.A.) and houses the Museums Studies program which offers a major (B.A.) and minor.
The Architectural Studies Program is housed within our department. The program offers a B.S. in Architecture and a B.A. in Architectural Studies as well as a minor in Architecture – Design. For more information, see
We are eager to meet with undergraduate students who have questions about our programs and the opportunities we offer. Amanda Raczkowski is the Department Coordinator and Financial Manager and can answer basic questions about opportunities and direct you to the help you need. Andrea Maxwell is the Lead Undergraduate Advisor for the department and advises all HAA and Museum Studies majors. Working with her are Jennifer Donnelly and Gabe Nolle, who are Undergraduate Advisors for the Architecture Studies program. Together, the advisors meet with students to discuss program requirements, course registration, planning future semesters, and aligning academic and professional goals. To schedule an advising appointment please log in to Navigate Student mobile app or desktop version using your Pitt Login and select "Schedule an Appointment" and choose “History of Art and Architecture”. Detailed information on Pathways can be found here.
Tom Morton is the Assistant Chair of the department and Maria D'Anniballe is the Director of Undergraduate Studies. They can answer broad questions about the programs and can meet with prospective students. Alex Taylor directs our Academic Internship Program for students in Museum Studies and Art History. Students interested in pursuing an internship should enroll in HAA0106 Internship Preparation (1 credit) the semester before they plan to pursue such a placement.

Current Students
Our students take advantage of the rich resources provided by the University and our partnerships with local museums and arts organizations. History of Art and Architecture majors and Museum Studies minors engage in collaborative and independent research projects, teaching assistantships, travel opportunities, internships, and community projects that have an impact. Learn more about what some of our current students are doing and have accomplished. Read more

Many of our students secure for-credit placements in local museums and arts institutions through our academic internships, a central element of our Museum Studies program. We also help students secure paid summer internships through own competitive summer fellowship program and by supporting studens pursuing other national and international internship opportunities. Read more

Recent Graduates
What does one do after studying art history and museum studies? A great deal! Learn about the exciting paths some of our recent grads have taken. Read more