HAA 0730/ARC 0114 Art and Architecture of the Muslim World

This course examines the art and architecture of the Muslim world as it developed through centuries of adoption, adaptation, and innovation which emerged as Islam spread throughout Eurasia, and Muslim communities came into contact with other Muslim and non-Muslim societies. Focusing on a number of prominent sites, buildings, and art objects, this course introduces students to the plurality of traditions and artistic practices labeled as Islamic Art and Architecture. Furthermore, students will learn about various sources of influence that came from the center and peripheries of the Muslim world. Exploring these concepts will take the class on a journey through time and space: starting in the 7th-century from the birthplace of Islam in the Arabian Desert, we will move through a vast territory that expands from southern Spain to China, with a final stop in 21st-century Dubai. All along the way, buildings and art objects will serve as snapshots that open a window into the social, cultural, economic, and political life of these Muslim societies.