April 13 Colloquium


Wednesday, April 13, 2016 - 12:00pm

The Co­-Editors­-In­-Chief of Contemporaneity are excited to present Edition 5: Agency in Motion as it progresses toward publication. With this first entirely thematic edition, we hope to open up the conversations around agency that are happening within our department to an interdisciplinary group of scholars and readers. Special subsections on re­enactment and curatorial agency focus these questions and encourage discussions across fields. An expanded criticism section includes reviews of books, film screenings, and exhibitions that address the key idea of agency and how it has been put in motion in the arts.

Contemporaneity has five years of dedicated work with editors, authors, and peer­-reviewers. In this colloquium, our editorial board will share the journal's increasingly established standing within international academic journals, as well as recent innovations that expand Contemporaneity’s reach and presence. We will present and open to discussion our strategic vision for the journal to situate it prominently within the evolving landscape of critical arts publishing.

Check out past editions at contemporaneity.pitt.edu


Meredith North, Ben Ogrodnik, Nicole Scalissi, Annika Johnson

Editorial Board

Marina Tyquiengco, Jackie Lombard, Elizabeth Morrissey, Sarah Kennedy (Anthropology), Henry Skerritt, Isaac King, Paulina Pardo Gaviria, Rae Di Cicco, Senem Guler­Biyikli (Anthropology), Victoria Sterling (intern)