Congrats to HAA graduate students!
Nicole Coffineau has been awarded a 2-year Samuel H. Kress Institutional Fellowship to work with the Max Planck Institute, and The Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome.
Sarah Conell was selected for a paid summer internship in the Old Master Prints Department at the National Gallery in Washington DC.
Annika Johnson received the ACLS/Luce Predoctoral Fellowship.
Ellen Larson has been awarded the John H. Tsui Memorial Nationality Room Scholarship to continue her research in China this summer.
Jungeun Lee was awarded a Robert and Lisa Sainsbury Fellowship for 2017-18, affiliated with the Sainsbury Institute in the Sainsbury Center for Visual Arts at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, for post-doctoral research on pre-modern Japanese and Korean visual and material culture.
Jackie Lombard received a Fulbright-Hays grant to travel to Ethiopia for research and curriculum development with 15 other graduate students and educators.
Allison McCann was selected for a 12-month internship in Publications at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles.
Adriana Miramontes was recently awarded the 2017 Pre-Dissertation Tinker Summer Fellowship from the Center for Latin American Studies at Pitt to conduct preliminary research and analyze the contemporary Mexican art scene in a project titled Emergency and Agency: The Body in the Work of Mexican Women Artists.
Colleen O’Reilly has been awarded the ACLS/Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship.
Yijing Wang received the Marilyn A. Papp Graduate Scholarship for Study in Chinese Art and Culture from the Marilyn A. Papp Scholarship Trust.