History of Art and Architecture


Congratulations to Abbey O'Brien!

The winner of the 2014 Frick Fine Arts Writing Award has been chosen.

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Gioco Project

Friday, November 21st at the Union Project, at 8 PM.

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Undergraduate Research Summer 2014

See what they've been up to...

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Fall 2014 Faculty News

Read more on the news and accomplishments of the HAA faculty.

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Configuring Disciplines: Online Exhibition

Visual documents such as maps, portraits, timelines and comparative tables, published in scientific atlases or grouped in collections, establish categories, arrange specimens, and present evidence for purposes ranging from popularization to professional education.

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Three History of Art and Architecture students prominently featured in new University of Pittsburgh website devoted to studies in the humanities!

We are very proud that three of our outstanding History of Art and Architecture students were among the six whose profiles were chosen for a new website designed to highlight the humanities at the University of Pittsburgh.

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Knowing Through Showing: Conversations on Curatorial Knowledge

Knowing Through Showing examines the unique kinds of knowledge produced and deployed through curating. The symposium highlights the diverse possibilities for curatorial practice-based research.

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World Art Now, The Provincialism Problem Then: 40 years of contemporary art

In September 1974, the New York magazine Artforum published Terry Smith’s article The Provincialism Problem.

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Photo-realist Print Exhibit Installed

Our Curator, Isabelle Chartier, took some photos of the new exhibit of prints from the University of Pittsburgh's permanent collection.

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Contemporaneity Journal Release

The online journal edited by the HAA graduate students is now live online.

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