Thursday, March 29, 2018 - 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Botany Hall, Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Botany Hall: Dioramas in Context is a digital exhibition and collaborative research project co-created by Aisling Quigley, PhD Candidate in the School of Computing and Information, and Colleen O'Reilly, PhD Candidate in History of Art and Architecture. It engages with the botanical dioramas of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, asking questions about the role of visual representation in scientific communication, and the historical significance of these objects as part of a natural history collection.
On Thursday, March 29th, we will launch the digital exhibition with a panel discussion in Botany Hall that will bring together local experts in botany, botanical art, and environmental justice to discuss the role of the dioramas in the museum and the community. We are looking forward to hearing reactions to the digital exhibition from people in the museum, at Pitt, and beyond.
Followed by refreshments in the Café Carnegie
Collaborators on this project include Kate Madison, Emily Enterline, Leslie Rose, Eliza Wick, and Bridget Lynch. We are also indebted to archivists and curators at CMNH, the Heinz History Center, and the Hunt Botanical Institute, and to the support of faculty and librarians in History of Art and Architecture and the School of Computing and Information. We are grateful for the support of the Humanities Center, the School of Computing and Information, the Department of History of Art and Architecture, and the Cultural Studies Program at the University of Pittsburgh.
Registration for this event is now closed. Please contact with any questions.