History of Art and Architecture

Georgina Laube awarded MA in Art & Visual History from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Georgina Laube (HAA 2020) has been awarded an MA from the department of Kunst- & Bildgeschichte (Art & Visual History) from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her thesis “Meet Me in Elysium: The Photographic Preservation of 21st Century Fallen Americans” was advised by Professor Charlotte Klonk. Professor Josh Ellenbogen served as second external reader. Her research focused on the photographic representation of deceased American soldiers in the media during America’s tours in Iraq and Afghanistan from the early 2000s until the mid 2010s.

During her time at the Humboldt-Universität, Georgina served as a student consultant for the Humboldt Forum reporting directly to Professor Hartmut Dorgerloh utilizing native German and English fluency to offer suggestions to improve the institution’s wall texts. Invited by Professor Klonk, she presented at Documenta 15 in 2022 on Marwa Arsanios’s work ‘Who is Afraid if Ideology? Part 4: Reverse Shot.” Her graduate research focused primarily on photography, especially its employment during periods of conflict. She has interviewed and collaborated with the Los Angeles based contemporary artist Gary Baseman regarding his redistribution of his short animated video “The Buckingham Warrior” on Instagram post-Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Since her undergraduate career she has worked and collaborated closely with the Los Angeles based contemporary artist Natalia Fabia.

She graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with Honors in History of Art and Architecture advised by Professor Ellenbogen, German Language and Cultural Studies advised by Professor Sabine von Dirke and minored in Museum Studies advised by Professor Alex Taylor (Oxon). Her undergraduate research focused on the employment of image, specifically film, during World War II and early German Democratic Republic, securing funding from the Deutsche Akademische Austausch Dienst (DAAD). Her research has been supported by: The Wende Museum, The BundesArchiv, and The Art Institute of Chicago.