TA Workshop


Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Grading and Effective Feedback

There's only a few weeks left in the semester and mounds of grading is fast approaching (even if you're not a grader now...you will be sometime in the near future!). Please come to the last TA workshop of the semester led by Megan Hamm to learn some useful grading tips and strategies.

Grading exams and papers can be time consuming, particularly if your goal is not only to score your students' performance, but also to provide them with feedback for improvement. In this workshop, we will discuss the importance for students' learning outcomes of providing useful feedback on exams and written assignments, and how to provide such feedback without sacrificing too much of your time as a TA. The workshop additionally includes information on constructing and using grading rubrics, and a short, practical in workshop exercise on providing comments on students' written work.

Please RSVP to csl10@pitt.edu if you plan to make it. We need at least 4 participants for this workshop to run.