TA Workshop


Wednesday, January 25, 2012 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Planning to teach a course this summer or fall? Want to improve your relationship with students? Interviewing for a job sometime soon? Come to this week's TA Workshop dedicated to DESIGNING A SYLLABUS to learn the answers.

The syllabus is one of the first ways an instructor interacts with students. By sharing a syllabus during the first class meeting, the instructor lays the groundwork for the semester. The syllabus serves as a "Table of Contents" for a course as well as a contract between the instructor and students. It binds students and instructor to a path toward achieving stated course objectives.

A well-designed syllabus provides students with a touchstone to which they will refer throughout the semester. The syllabus can serve as a tool to reinforce effective teaching and learning strategies. Research has shown that a well-constructed syllabus helps students to be more efficient learners and allows instructors and students to interact more effectively. Syllabi are often included in a faculty member's portfolio for purposes of tenure and promotion.

Please RSVP to Courtney Long (HAA TA/TF Mentor) at csl10@pitt.edu to reserve your spot. A minimum of FOUR students is required in order for this workshop to run.