History of Art and Architecture


Alison Langmead Receives Award for Excellence in Graduate Mentoring

Dr. Alison Langmead is the recipient of the 2023 Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences Award for Excellence in Graduate Mentoring

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Kirk Savage and Beyond Granite: Pulling Together Exhibition Featured in Pittwire

HAA Professor and Monument Lab board member Kirk Savage was featured in Pittwire for the Beyond Granite: Pulling Together Exhibition at the Lincoln Memorial.

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Terry Smith Delivers Keynote Lecture at March Meeting of the Sharjah Art Foundation

Emeritus professor Terry Smith delivered the keynote address, titled "Renewing African Art Discourse within the Postcolonial Constellation", at March 2023 meeting of the Sharjah Art Foundation.

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Professor Emerita Alison Stones to be Honored at Medieval Conference

Professor Emerita Alison Stones will be honored by her former students at the International Congress of Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo on May 11-13, 2023. 

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Prof. Nygren Co-Authors Piece on Art History and Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Nygren co-authors "Art History and AI: Ten Axioms" in the International Journal for Digital Art History

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Prof. Emeritus David Wilkins Will Speak at London Donatello Conference

Prof. Emeritus David Wilkins is One of Three Invited SPeakers at the Vicotoria & Albert Donatello Conference in London 

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Deirdre Smith Presents at Moriarty Science Seminar

Deirdre Smith presented “Nonhuman Artists? Multidisciplinary and Multispecies Accounts on the Origin of Art,”  the Carnegie Museum of Natural History’s R.W. Moriarty Science Seminar series.

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Book Duet: Alex Taylor and Adam Lowenstein

The Humanities Center is hosting a book duet event, featuring HAA professor Alex Taylor, who will be speaking about his book Forms of Persuasion. 

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Christopher Nygren Speaks at University of Massachusetts Amherst

On March 21, Christopher Nygren presented his paper “Salt, Water, and Stone: The Ecology of Art in Renaissance Venice,” at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

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Joshua Ellenbogen Speaker on Picturing Knowledge Podcast

Recently, the podcast “Picturing Knowledge” invited Joshua Ellenbogen to discuss the composite photographs of Francis Galton. 

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